Tuesday, September 30, 2014

OCD is not Sweet Do-Ri-Me to Cats

My brother recently reminded me of the stress our family experienced around tax time on April 15th when we were children. Between 6 children and a family farm in Youngsville, my mother consistently waited until almost midnight to make the run to the Post Office in Raleigh from Cary. The lucky ones that rode with our mom to help keep her awake (she typically fell asleep at 8 pm) were rewarded with hot doughnuts or any sweet treat of choice  from Krispy Kreme  Doughnuts on Pearson Street – the stress of the moment was delayed for another year. 
Unfortunately, from many cats, stress is on-going issue for many months. As cats have been restricted to indoor environments for health and safety issues, many behavioral diseases have manifested themselves with psychological disorders with outward manifestations of an inner turmoil.

What are some of the more common signs in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Licking & gnawing at the fur with a vengeance and racing madly from room to room without an objective multiple times through the day are some suggestions of this disorder when they are repetitive and mindless. In some cases ingestion of fabric, plastic and other items collectively called pica occurs. Collectively these behaviors can also be both annoying and on alarming for owners.

Some believe there are triggers for these behaviors so what are they?
New locations, additions to the households (cats, dogs, and babies), long absence of an owner, and lack of social stimulation / enrichment (think bored). In some cases even a minor trigger can start the behavior.
Psychogenic Alopecia is a term associated with excessive grooming in cats. Can this be explained further?
Hair pulling, hair chewing to the extent of pulling out the hair most commonly on the belly and inside rear/front legs leading to baldness.

I have heard other cat owner mention the term wool sucking in their cats and I am searching for a meaning?
Wool sucking is repetitive and inappropriate sucking on fabric (cotton, wool, or any fabric) that resembles nursing in cats as early as 3 to 4 months of age right after the time frame when a kitten normally would stop. It is speculated that this may be a form of thumb sucking for cats as it is observed that many of these cats were weaned early as kittens. The danger is pieces of fabric can be swallowed and lead to an intestinal blockage. Females of the Siamese breed seem more at risk.

Why is pica (ingestion of objects) dangerous?
Eating of rubber bands, paper clips, plastic bags, and shoe lashes can lead to similar intestinal blockage

How is OCD treated in cats?
Environmental Enrichment is the buzz word for plenty of stimulating play: toys (spring loaded, laser pointer) that encourage cats to run, jump, and tumble. The household should be cat friendly with bird feeders for observation. Perches, window boxes for outdoor viewing are added features for happy, entertaining, cat homes. Avoid aggregating or aggressive behavior between pets or humans in the household that lead a cat to feel threatened or insecure. Stick with a consistent feeding schedule to minimize stress. 
What medications are utilized beyond the cat friendly household when a cat continues to exhibit signs?
Prozac, Zoloft, are the more common medications prescribed for months and often for years. Information is sourced from Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Animal Behavior Clinic Director, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.
Many thanks to the Carolyn Faulkner family for the providing the pictures of Blaze with the crown, Marmalade, the orange tabby, and Chocolate, the brown tabby.
Betsy Sigmon DVM
Hospital Director, Creature Comforts Animal Hospital
Cary, NC

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